Dis-moi quelle activité tu pratiques, je te dirai quelles chaussures porter!

Tell me what activity you do, I'll tell you what shoes to wear!

With the cool season coming up, do you find yourself juggling different shoe choices for your activities? Do not panic ! We enlighten you on the models that could best suit your lifestyle!

Comfortable walking shoes

What could be more relaxing than taking a walk outside to breathe in the fresh air. You still need to have comfortable shoes that will allow you to stay warm. To make your choice, ask yourself about the length of your routes and the type of use you will make of it.

Autumn walking shoes

There are several factors to consider when doing your research. You definitely want your shoes to breathe so your feet don't catch cold. Other criteria, you will have to make sure that the model meets the effort that you will require of it. So, are you the type to take long walks or short outings, how often do you practice this activity, on what type of ground do you move? Evaluate your needs carefully and you will make the wisest choice for the happiness of your feet.

Booties and boots for cold weather

First, it is good to distinguish the difference between a boot and a bootie. The boot is in fact a shoe with or without a heel that goes up on the calf. The ankle boot, on the other hand, is a short shoe that reaches the bottom of the calf. In addition to varying your everyday look, the boot and the ankle boot all have their particularities that you will have to evaluate to ensure comfort all day long. For example, you will appreciate having an insulated, waterproof boot or one with a non-slip sole when you walk outside. Inside, you'll love the uninsulated high boot that goes elegantly with a skirt or a shorter dress and again, the ankle boot with or without a heel to go with loose pants. Then have fun with the style possibilities that exist in store!

Running or court sneakers?

This may be the question you are asking yourself as you are about to buy sneakers for your sports activities this winter. Here are some points that could help guide your selection.

Models for running

There are all kinds of running shoe models on the market. As a general rule, running models are designed to provide stability to your foot by promoting breathability and freedom of movement during exercise thanks to their lightweight materials. The elements of the shoe that vary will be influenced in relation to the use made of it and the frequency. Thus, you will not choose an outdoor shoe suitable for slippery winter surfaces to run on your treadmill and the opposite is also true.

Women's running shoes

Models for gym sports

Thinking of getting ready to practice a gym sport this winter? Several options are available on the market to overcome the many movements solicited on the body. Choose a model that provides good resistance to impacts and changes of direction, that is comfortable, then make sure that it offers good protection for your feet.

Women's multi-sport sneakers

Making choices adapted to the conditions in which you submit your body greatly reduces the risk of injury. Also be aware that there are multisport models that are just as interesting for those who practice various activities and want to invest in a single pair of shoes. This type of espadrilles accompanies you in all eventualities and is often less expensive!

Multi-sport sneakers for men

For more information on how to choose the right sports shoe, see our article.

Warm and stylish winter boots

See our women's boots

Putting on our winter boots does not necessarily mean boredom. On our side, we love the cold season because it allows us to bring a breath of fresh air to our wardrobe, it varies the looks and it allows us to enjoy this magnificent season in complete comfort.

See our men's boots

Boots for playing in the snow

Going outside to play in winter is synonymous with happiness. It is still necessary to be well equipped to take advantage of it as it should. A good winter boot isn't just pretty. You must first consider the usefulness it will have before choosing it well. So if you're only wearing them to move short distances, you won't necessarily need them to be rated at -40 degrees Celsius. You'll also need to consider breathability, waterproofing and comfort, all influenced by the materials that make up the boot: leather, canvas, sheepskin, synthetic, etc. In addition to meeting aesthetic criteria, remember that your choice should above all be oriented according to your needs, especially since such a purchase can represent several pennies.

See our winter boots for girls

Style and comfort for work or the city

Putting on shoes for winter is not that complicated! Playing with materials such as leather or suede in different shades, or with heights, allows you to evolve your looks throughout the season. You can have fun with stylish, comfortable boots that will perfectly complement your outfits.

Hiking in fall and winter

What a pleasure to be able to walk the trails during the change of seasons. There's nothing like having the right boots to ensure the success of your outings!

See our men's outdoor shoes

Breathable hiking shoes for fall

Are you a fan of autumn hikes? To choose the right boots, first assess the type of trail you are on and the frequency of your outings. If you mostly walk on steep, uneven trails, you can opt for a light hiking shoe, while if you venture into more rugged mountain trails, the short hiking boot is a better option to provide stability. of your feet.

Warm shoes for winter trails and snowshoeing

Several boots are great for your winter getaways and will make sure your feet stay warm. For riding flat, snowy trails, you'll like boots that are a bit taller and have good insulation and are waterproof. For your slightly more adventurous snowshoe outings, orient your choice towards those that let the foot breathe and offer good comfort during movement.

Comfort and durability for standing work

Does your lifestyle require you to be on your feet for long periods of time? The shoes you choose will inevitably have to offer you comfort from the fitting, then stability to prevent you from developing pain. It is also preferable to choose flexible materials to avoid friction and to favor the presence of laces to allow a good fit. They must also be robust since they will be used a lot.

Ask for advice online and in store!

If you're not sure what would suit your feet best for your various cold season activities, let us guide you in an informed way. We will be happy to recommend the models that meet your needs!

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Would you like to try some models? here is list of shops that are near you.

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